2011 SPE West Conference

The Society for Photographic Educators – West 2011 Conference is taking place at Cabrillo College in Santa Cruz this year. The featured speaker is Liz Cohen and our own Brian Taylor is being honored for his many years as a photograph educator.

Dates: November 18 – 19th
Location: Cabrillo College

For more infomation, check out: http://spewest.org/

Hometown Novovolynsk – BFA Show

Oksana Zhuravel - Hometown Novovolynsk - Postcard

For her final and BFA gallery show, Oksana Zhuravel showcases her photographic documentation of her hometown of Novovolynsk, Ukraine. It will be up in Gallery 5 from November 14th to 18th, with a reception on Tuesday November 15th at 6 pm.

Dates: November 14 – 18th, 2011
Reception: 6 – 8 pm,  Tuesday, November 15th
Location: Gallery 5 (Art Building)

Website: http://oksanazhuravel.com/
For more information: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=111717592274658

Summer of Smoke – BFA Show

Hayley Hall - Summer of Smoke - BFA Show

Hayley Hall will be having her BFA show in the Herbert Sanders Gallery this week. It will be up from November 7th to the 10th and there will be an reception on Tuesday at 6 pm.

Dates: November 7th – 10th
Reception: 6 – 8pm, November 8th
Location: Herbert Sanders Gallery (Industrial Studies Building)

Website: http://hayleyhallphotography.weebly.com/

First Week of November Shows

It’s the first of the month, that means art walks for the Bay Area. Here is a list of what is happening photographic wise:

San Jose State related:

Faculty member Mimi Plumb is having a show opening reception in Berkeley on Friday (11/4).
Some SJSU Photography Alumnus have will have work at Art Ark’s Holiday Art Auction which is part of South First Fridays.

Art Walks

First Thursdays – San Francisco (11/3)

Fraenkel Gallery: Robert Adams – Consolations
Stephen Wirtz Gallery: Chris McCaw – Ride Into The Sun
SF Camerawork: 2011 Auction Preview
Robert Koch Gallery: Tamas Dezso – Here, Anywhere
Gallery 291: Peter Hebeisen – Metamorphosis and Myth
Scott Nichols Gallery: Brett Weston – Centennial 

For more information about First Thursdays, check out: http://www.firstthursdayart.com/

South First Fridays – San Jose (11/4)

Anno Domini: Bloodwork: Bodies
Art Ark Gallery: The More The Merrier II: Holiday Art Auction (featuring some past alumnus from SJSU)
Metro Photo Exhibit: Invitation
Pho69: Robertino Ragazza – de la luz y de las sombras

For more information about First Fridays, check out: http://www.southfirstfridays.com/

Mimi Plumb – Nature Studies

Local 123 Gallery Presents: Nature Studies

Faculty member Mimi Plumb is having a show at the Local 123 Gallery up in in Berkeley. The show will feature large scale photographs from her series “Their Backs”. Fellow photographer Susan Felter’s work will also be shown.

Dates: November 4th, 2011 – January 4, 2012
Opening Reception: 6 – 8:30pm Friday, November 4th
Location: 2049 San Pablo Ave, Berkeley, CA

For more information, check out: http://local123gallery.com/

The Missing Peace – Artist Lecture

The Missing Peace: Artists Consider The Dalai Lama

Alumnus Binh Danh and Renee Billingslea will be discussing conveying the message of peace with photography at Santa Clara University’s de Saisset Museum. The talk will take place on Thursday, October 27th from 7 – 8:30pm and its free to the public. Be sure to also check show itself which features from Binh Danh, Richard Avedon, Chuck Close, and Mike and Doug Starn.

For information on the lecture: http://www.scu.edu/desaisset/programs/
For information on the show: http://www.scu.edu/give/get-involved/events/peace/index.cfm

San Francisco First Thursdays

Since 1993, galleries in downtown San Francisco have opened their doors to the public every first Thursday of the month. Most of this gallery crawl is located at the famed 49 Geary Street but there are also other galleries spead out along the Market Street area. We will keep you updated on the shows happening at each galleries during First Thursdays. The next First Thursday is coming up soon, so mark your calendars for November 3rd.

Here is a list of photography galleries part of First Thursdays:
Fraenkel Gallery – http://www.fraenkelgallery.com/
Wirtz Gallery – http://www.wirtzgallery.com/
Haines Gallery – http://www.hainesgallery.com/
SF Camerawork – http://www.sfcamerawork.org/
Robert Koch Gallery – http://www.kochgallery.com/
Gallery 291 – http://www.gallery291.net/
Scott Nichols Gallery – http://www.scottnicholsgallery.com/

You can find a map with all the galleries listed here.