Yvonne Bellido BFA Exhibition “WILL YOU REMEMBER?” October 4th to the 8th, 2021 SJSU Hernandez Gallery

Reception weekend March 13th 2021 from 6 to 8pm
Ni de Aquí, Ni de Allá is a year long series from 2019-2020 including ten images. The images were captured in different regions in Central Mexico and Northern California. The inspiration for this series emerged when I read the book “Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza” by Gloria Anzaldúa. I was captivated by the explanation of the experiences that Chicanx/Latinx/Indiginous people from Mexico face in regards to gender, identity, race, and colonialism. I wanted to explore how far the “borderlands” reach in California and Mexico. I was able to document my environment around me and show how prevalent these ideas were in California and Mexico. Ni de Aquí, Ni de Allá is intended to create dialogue and to reach an audience of people who feel displaced in a country where they are not seen as they belong. Each image is a reminder of some aspect of their life in which they can relate to or remember a memory buried deep in their subconscious. This series is also for those who came before us who were not able to be affirmed for their existence and be reminded that they did indeed belong.